0 points.



“0 points.” Japanese-style sleep relaxation service.

“0 points.” means returning to the base from the distinction caused by the effects of busy life.
The brand want you to have the best sleep ever with tips of the Japanese sleeping cultural method.
We will visit your accommodation to provide you stretches and treatments that will make you fall asleep.
旅先の日本式睡眠導入リラクゼーションサービス「0 points.」

忙しない日常の影響による「乱れ」から「原点に戻る」という意味のゼロポインツ。 今までで1番の睡眠の入り方をして欲しいという思いから、日本を感じることができるストレッチやトリートメントをお部屋にお伺いして行います。

■Base Treatment

Take a bath, change your clothes, and lie on the bed.
You will be in a state of deep relaxation by loosening your body tension from your feet to your stomach and neck.

This treatment improves the circulation of Ki,Ketsu,Sui which is said to float and circulate 3 materials to maintain our body.
If you want to get into the relaxation mode, please try.

ご入浴、お着替えいただき、ベットの上で寝ていただきます。 足先からお腹、首までゆるめることで深いリラックス状態になります。



After taking a footbath and changing clothes, lie down on a futon mattress and relax your muscles with stompings massage, which presses more than just hands.


Hard muscles are easily loosened with this technique because pressure is applied on a wider surface than hands.

This is the best choice after physical exercise such as skiing or snowboarding.





30mins ¥5500 

After bathing and changing clothes, a full-body oil treatment will be served.
The aroma is chosen to be good for sleep.

If you want to relax, detox, and refresh yourself, this is it.

Use of Prinsepia seed beauty oil +¥30,000



プリンセピアシードオイル使用 +¥30,000


■Signature Menu

An aromatherapy treatment designed to harmonize the body’s cycles using Japanese seasonal aroma oils selected according to your physical condition.


120mins~ Coming Soon
A daytime dry head massage.
A 15-20 minute head spa that will help you have a power nap.

Power Napをするための昼間のドライトリートメント。

75mins~ Coming Soon
The spa brand was founded to introduce the Japanese way of sleep because the traditional way of spending time before going to bed is effective for good sleep quality.
This treatment introduces the Japanese sleep routine, which includes a bath, stretching, and treatments to induct the body’s rhythms to fall asleep.
After a long flight to Japan, this is the first place you feel Japan.


60mins~ Coming Soon

■Activity アクティビティ

This is a unique footwear in Japan.
Ipponba Geta is used to condition body parts where blood circulation has been compromised due to desk work or long flights.
Even Japanese people have the image of wearing it in the past, but the treatment is providing a brand that is evolving based on sports engineering.

Two types of geta are used to stretch toes to hips (back) efficiently.

The advantage of Ipponba Geta is that the adhesive surface between the body and the floor becomes very narrow, so the feeling to the body is stronger than without it.



Exercise to use inner and outer muscles in a balanced way using three types of Getas.

After 5 minutes of exercise, you will feel that you can use muscles that you have not been using normally.
Pain or stiffness are caused by overuse or lack of use in areas, so exercises that enable you to use your whole body in a balanced training will lead you to good body use.





■Base Treatment


Dry hand Treatment ドライハンド

60mins ¥16,500

Dry foot (Thai) Treatment 

30mins ¥5,500

Oil Treatment 

90mins ¥22,000

Special oil Specialオイル使用

90mins ¥52,000

■Signature Menu 


Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter 春夏秋冬

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Knowing deep Japan

Coming Soon

(Option can be added)



30mins~ ¥5,500


30mins~ ¥5,500


In house treatment 

fee ¥5,500 per visit

Customize カスタマイズ

30mins ¥8800



Katsura AOYAMA


I was so busy that I forgot to rest.
In such a working situation, my mental and body were destitute at the age of 26.
What I did to regain my health was to review the quality of my diet (food), sleep, and exercise.
Those three things are said to be need to being healthy in Japan.
At 0 Points., I would like to guide you on how to naturally improve the “quality” of sleep and exercise using Japanese cultural way and products.
After learning and feeling the history and culture of Japan, I found the great way of getting a good sleep was in the old Japanese way of life.
Treatments are designed to remind you of the “restful state” of the body.
You will receive services with a feeling of Japan and Niseko.
I also would like to give you some tips to know about the wisdom of life used in Japan.
1991  Born in Sendai, Miyagi
2008  Go to High School in Adelaide, Australia
2011  Go to Singapore to study Chinese
2012~ Work in Japan
2020  Quit being employee and started salon in Yoyogi, Tokyo
2022  Come to Niseko
0 Points.では、睡眠と運動の「質」を自然に上げる方法を日本のものを使ってご案内します。 日本の歴史や文化を学び感じて、日本ながらの昔の生活では良い睡眠の入り方をしていることに着目しました。 「体を休めている状態」を思い出すためのトリートメントです。
日本やニセコを感じながら、サービスを受けていただきます。 日本で使われてきた生活の知恵を知っていただく機会にもしていただきたいと思います。
1991年  宮城県仙台市に生まれる
2008年  オーストラリア、アデレードの高校に進学
2011年  シンガポールで中国語留学
2012年〜 日本で勤める
2020年  会社員を辞め、東京の代々木でアゴに特化したサロンを開業
2022年  ご縁あってニセコで移動式SPA展開開始



This brand is the exclusive distributor in Japan of the rare rose flower, Prinsepia.

Igusa, the fragrance of tatami, which is engraved in the souls of Japanese people.
NOBARA, The wild rose that makes you look forward with suppleness under any circumstances.
Mitsu (honey), A fragrance filled with elegance and splendor, the fragrance of the honey of a thousand flowers.

Aroma oils ¥23,400 each
Treatment oil ¥11,440


日本人の魂に刻まれている畳の香り Igusa
どんな状況下でもしなやかに前を向いて生きる野生の生命力 NOBARA
千の花の蜜の調べ、気品と華やぎに満ちた香り MITSU

アロマオイル ¥23,400/各
トリートメントオイル ¥11,440
Every process, from fabric dyeing to sewing is done in Japan.
This product is a fusion of Japanese culture and technology.
This loungewear is made beautifully suited to western rooms because the designer used to make western clothes, the concept is “a Japanese dress that looks good in a Western-style room.”
A new brand that created with the designer’s mentor of 10 years when she lost his job at Covid Disaster.

Yukawa roomwear ¥32,240

生地染めから縫製まで全て日本製。日本の文化と技術の融合を目指した製品。 デザイナーが元々洋服を作っていたことから実現した、「洋室に似合う和のドレス」がイメージのルームウエア。 コロナ禍で仕事がなくなった時に10年来の恩師と作ることを決めた、新しいブランド。

浴衣一着 ¥32,240
Even the tags and the sewing threads are 100% organic cotton.
These towels are woven slowly so that they do not break easily, believing that long-lasting towels help protect the global environment.
For 69 years, Imabari Towel has been made with love and care to make everyone happy, including cotton farmers, yarn makers, weavers, employees, and users.

Towel set ¥48,360
blanket, bath towel, 2 face towels

長持ちするものが地球環境保護になると、壊れにくい様にゆっくり織っている。 綿農家、糸にする人、織る職人、伝える社員、使う人みんながハッピーになるタオルになる様にと愛情を込められ作られて69年。

ブランケット1枚,バスタオル1枚, フェイスタオル2枚
Kumiko, a traditional Japanese craft, is said to have originated in the Kamakura period (1185-1333).
It is a technique to show delicate patterns using only wood, without using any nails or metal fittings.
Those coasters allow you to feel the craftsman’s skill.
These craftsmen create interiors that create another world outside and inside, not a wall.

Price ¥3900 each, 6 designs

日本の伝統工芸である組子は鎌倉時代に発祥したとされ、釘や金具を一切使わず、木だけで繊細な紋様を描く技術。 職人の技術を感じることができるコースターをご用意。外と中の世界に、壁ではなくもう一つの世界を作るというインテリアを作っている職人さんです。

Hand-made Japanese traditional footwear made by craftsmen in Kyoto, one by one, for indoor training.

Low heel 7,150 yen
Low heel + Toe use ¥17,160
High heel ¥25,750


低 ¥7,150
低+足指 ¥17,160
高 ¥25,750
For all gifts, service fee 30% is included.